Environmental Advisory Committee
Board Meetings & Minutes


Environment Advisory Committee
April 17, 2024 Meeting Minutes


Review of previous meeting's minutes – they were okay

1. Business arising from the previous meeting:

  • Lake Watch – we have reached out to ALMS again and have gotten Spring Lake on a waitlist. We have, however, gotten approved to be a part of the Lake Keepers program, and between all of us, we should be able to get on the lake often enough when required and gather the information they are looking for. The information they want us to collect is:
    • Secchi depth
    • Temperature
    • Water depth
    • Water chemistry (chlorophyll-a, microcystin, total phosphorus, and dissolved oxygen).
  • Compost Barrels Sales –  we received information back from the County. Rona indicated that they have leftover barrels from last year that they want to sell first, so they will not do compost barrels this year with the rain barrels. Hopefully, they will keep this in mind and think about it for next year.
  • Logo –  two samples were sent out, the majority liked the black and white logo the best, so we will adopt that as the logo to use. It will be used on documents from this time forward and on the website.
  • EAC Email – The council representative is the only one who has access to it, however now he can forward it to whomever. He received one email to date.
  • Stony Plain Horticultural Society – they have been contacted twice and no one has gotten back to her.
  • Drought management – a member handed out a table with ideas as to what to do and what not to do during a drought or dry season. Discussion took place around the document and changes were suggested.  Members are to forward any other ideas or suggestions they have so information can be put together for a display on the photo boards for June and July.
  • Fishing line disposal – we were contacted by them on April 22nd. They will send out three disposal units free of charge for our community; they thanked us for reaching out to them.

2. Council:  FireSmart Alberta program is being promoted within the Village. The County is offering free assessments which take one to two hours to complete. The Community Sustainability Plan is approved and passed now; it will be posted on the website soon. The Waters Cresent work will commence in the near future and a gravel parking lot will be included. The Rain Barrel Sale is May 4th, and three (3) EAC Members are volunteering again to work it on behalf of the Village. The Budget Meeting is May 8th at 7 PM, a community garage and vendor market will be held June 15th, with a different format this year. The vendor market will be at the arena, people can pick up “passports” and a map with garage sales marked, with a prize going for the most garage sales visited.

3. Budget: $697.45 left in budget for 2024

4. New Business:

  • Pitch-In Canada – we are registered again this year, the contact person will contact everyone when the bags arrive.
  • Loon survey and Birds Canada – the member asked for help this year and for someone to take over the documenting and paperwork for next year. Another member has already registered with Birds Canada and she will work with him this year and take over in the future.
  • Loon platforms – discussion took place as to whether both platforms should go out this year as the one on the east side of the lake hasn't been used in the past couple of years. It was decided to still put them both out.
  • Trout Club Member – we were contacted by the Edmonton Trout Fishing Club in February regarding one of their members joining the EAC. As in past discussions, they are more than welcome to join, however, the person would have to be a Spring Lake resident.
  • Member Resignation – A member has tendered his resignation as of the end of tonight's meeting. He is one of the original members, dating back to our first meeting held in September of 2005. Thank You so much for your many years of service to our Village and our Committee. You will be missed.
  1. Environmental Action Plan: some discussion took place about adding to and revising the water section of the plan regarding water harvesting and water conservation during dry spells/seasons.

6. Website –  some of the older information that has been on the EAC section of the Village website has been downloaded for discussion in regards to deleting it, revising it, or leaving it as is.

  • Welcome letter to residents
  • Consequences of dog poop
  • Aeration in winter
  • Eutrophication

The EAC logo will be added to the revised and updated documents.

Discussion took place regarding developing a new community survey since the last one was in 2019. Too many unanswered questions at this time. The three previous surveys will be sent out for members to go over for the next meeting.  The past surveys gave us some direction as to what residents were looking for (however we received only 9 responses to the 2019 survey).


Environmental Advisory Committee
January 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Next Board Meeting is April 17, 2024 at 7 PM

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