Permits, Licenses & Applications

Fire Permits

For the safety and well-being of our community, Fire Permits are required for any open burning, including campfires, bonfires, or burning of debris. These permits can be obtained from the Village Office.

How to Apply:
Simply visit the Village Office to request a fire permit. Our staff will provide the necessary details and guidelines to ensure your burning activities are safe and comply with local regulations.

Please remember that a fire permit is mandatory before you begin any outdoor burning, and following safety practices helps protect both property and wildlife in our community.

For more information or questions, please contact the Village Office at 780-963-4211. Stay safe, and enjoy your outdoor activities responsibly!


Within the Village of Spring Lake, Bylaw #403 outlines the guidelines and restrictions for setting off fireworks. To obtain permission, you must submit an application to the council. Please complete the form below and email it, along with all required documents, to

Applications must be submitted no later than the Friday before a scheduled council meeting. If your application is approved, you will receive an authorized document to present to the necessary authorities when setting off your fireworks.

*First and Last Name of Applicant
*Address of applicant
*First and Last Name of certified commercial fireworks supervisor
E mail in the certification of the fireworks supervisor. Please e mail to
*First and Last name of the person conducting the fireworks display
Date and time of the proposed display
Detailed description of the proposed display
The exact location planned for the fireworks display including a diagram of the grounds on which it will be held, showing the point from where the fireworks will be discharged, the location of all highways, railroads, overhead wires and obstructions, buil
E mail in your Written consent from the owner of the property on which the fireworks display will be held. Can be send to
*What is the manner and place of storage of all fireworks prior to, during and after the display
*The name and address of the vendor or vendors that supplied all the fireworks used in the fireworks display
Please e mail in proof of General Liability insurance with coverage of at least $5,000,000 per occurrence in a form acceptable to the Village Council. The e mail can be sent to
*Any other information requested by the Village Council.
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