EAC Survey

Environmental Advisory Committee 2019 Survey Summary

To promote environmental awareness & education, and to provide advice for the enhancement of the Village of Spring Lake.

There were a total of nine surveys returned. Here are the responses…

What do you believe are the biggest environmental issues affecting:

Our Lake?

  1. too many fishermen, too much public access to the lake, preventing blue green algae
  2. no concerns
  3. no comment written
  4. run off, septic contamination
  5. over growth of the bulrush (cattails) (I realize its needed for the health of lake, but can there be too much?)
  6. the lake boat (power) activity
  7. na
  8. is higher with the rain, fish are still muddy in summer, can’t eat them
  9. lake level

Our lake’s shoreline?

  1. people cutting vegetation, preventing prohibitive noxious plants
  2. weed in grow
  3. Edmonton trout Club’s broken dock, Edmonton Trout club leaving garbage on shore by their dock
  4. Brochures – Village of spring Lake be sent out
  5. Na
  6. Where the pathway is property needs to be  marked
  7. Trees cut down on crown/village land
  8. Replace rickety docks with village maintained docks
  9. People cutting and clearing natural vegetation

Our natural wildlife?

  1. Cats outdoors destroying our song birds
  2. Light pollution from village security lights
  3. Speeding boaters, people destroying the loons nests
  4. No comment written
  5. No comment written
  6. Is still there birds and skunks are around
  7. No comment written
  8. Fireworks scare wildlife, ignorance about how to behave around loons and other birds on the lake
  9. People cutting and clearing natural vegetation

What is your level of awareness in regards to shoreline policies and guidelines?



Would you be interested in learning more?            

YES  - 6 NO – 1 NO RESPONSE – 2


Are you concerned about the loss of trees, brush or lakeshore reeds within the lake perimeter or meadows?                             

YES  - 6 NO – 2 NO RESPONSE – 1

Are there any workshops you would like the EAC to sponsor for our community?

  1. Xeriscaping and water conservation workshops
  2. No
  3. Not familiar with workshops available
  4. No comment written
  5. Possible
  6. No comment written
  7. No comment written
  8. Birds in the area - species, nesting, etc.
  9. An introduction to living by water, including the applicable laws

Do you practice shoreline and habitat protection and stewardship by not unsettling plants or trees on your property that edge the lake or ponds?      

YES – 5 N/A – 3 NO RESPONSE – 1

Do you have any suggestions as to how we could make our Village more environmentally friendly?

  1. Plant more trees, reduce grass cutting on road access hills (other than meadow), where land can go back to nature safely
  2. Take light pollution more seriously, the new lights at the Village compound are still on at 3 a.m.
  3. Advertise more aggressively the Pitch In Canada date and time. I never see the announcement!
  4. All adhere to the guidelines for lakeshore use, plus just not shoreline
  5. Fix your path’s – they are overgrown weeds! Use tiraterbars (I cannot read what they wrote) made from logs or landscape timbers, filled with mulch
  6. There is no path on the meadow
  7. No comment written
  8. Yes, develop a community compost pile for leaves, greens, small trees
  9. More education for residents about the impacts their actions on their property have on wildlife and the lake

Do you have any suggestions that you would like to bring forward to the EAC?

  1. Attempt to be the first GREEN village in Alberta ie.  EV cars, reduce aquifer water use
  2. Share the results of surveys. There is not much info that gets out to the taxpayers
  3. I have concerns on how fast the sunchaser boats (cruisers) go on the lake. I don’t know how fast 12 kms actually is, but I’ve seen them go what I think is too fast for the loons safety
  4. No comment written
  5. Yes, I bought my property for the lake view and now I have no view because the trees along the shoreline have grown in and the village has quit cutting ¾’s of the meadow grass.       At one time, we had a dock to go and use, now we have no access.      According to the village expenses, they have not decreased in this area! But less work is being done.      So are the trees not absorbing the water! Soon to be no lake to enjoy!
  6. We are not near the lake, we should be able to see the lake. Why let 2 stories block the view. Do a walkout on the property instead of blocking the view of the lake
  7. No comment written
  8. Yes, would ask that EAC vouch for development of compost pile. Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback.  
  9. No comment written
Version 5.3.1
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